USF IT Resource Guide

USF IT Employee Resource Guide

This resource guide goes over all the tools and support you need to be successful at USF. From NetID, to Service Desk, DocuSign and more.

MyUSF will be used a lot of the times to access applications like GEMS, Finance Mart and other central applications.

General USF IT Support

There may be times where you are having issues with your machine or you want to create a new email list, please work with IT directly by following these steps below.

USF IT Documentation

In some cases where you are having difficulty with software or tools, you can always do a deep dive into IT’s documentation via Confluence.

Signing into your machine

Follow these steps and should be able to log into your machine at work.

Note: If it’s a new machine or a machine that has been wiped, you can ignore step two.

Multi Factor Authentication

Multifactor Authentication creates a layered approach to security by requiring two or more credentials for logins. These credentials may include something you know (eg password), something you have (eg smartphone, key), and something you are (eg fingerprint). This multi-layered approach helps reduce successful login attempts from criminals and bad actors.

If you do not have MFA already, please follow these steps under First Time Set-Up

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